Table 1 
Consolidated per capita spending by selected Canadian Classification of Functions of Government, 2019 

Consolidated per capita spending by selected Canadian Classification of Functions of Government, 2019
  Canadian general government Federal government1 Provincial-territorial and local governments Newfoundland and Labrador Prince Edward Island Nova Scotia New Brunswick Quebec
General public services 3,390 2,724 1,890 3,214 1,821 2,182 2,488 3,066
Executive and legislative organs, financial and fiscal affairs and external affairs 525 324 255 598 232 306 229 366
Foreign economic aid 135 135 0 0 0 0 0 0
General services 820 345 501 1,396 697 619 1,181 825
Basic research 1 65 0 0 0 0 0 2
Public debt transactions 1,719 657 1,065 1,210 879 939 1,061 1,745
General public services n.e.c.2 190 1,198 68 8 13 318 15 127
Defence 507 516 0 0 0 0 0 0
Military defense 458 466 0 0 0 0 0 0
Civil defense 13 14 0 0 0 0 0 0
Foreign military aid 31 31 0 0 0 0 0 0
Defence n.e.c.2 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0
Public order and safety 1,074 377 752 675 634 742 726 658
Police services 515 219 342 273 308 380 357 324
Fire protection services 131 0 131 82 63 117 83 86
Law courts 150 27 124 136 88 160 24 133
Prisons 135 69 68 86 100 56 70 42
Public order and safety n.e.c.2 143 63 87 96 69 30 191 74
Economic affairs 1,993 632 1,539 1,421 1,934 1,170 1,484 1,578
General economic, commercial and labour affairs 446 383 196 423 584 449 370 223
Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting 250 98 173 132 553 133 166 195
Fuel and energy 330 16 324 55 13 86 9 7
Mining, manufacturing and construction 10 0 10 19 6 0 0 25
Transport 766 76 693 750 597 447 853 793
Economic affairs n.e.c.2 192 58 142 44 176 55 86 335
Environmental protection 440 134 310 180 226 264 174 273
Waste management 115 18 98 122 119 135 65 85
Waste water management 102 0 103 19 25 17 64 73
Pollution abatement 64 32 33 6 63 42 12 74
Protection of biodiversity and landscape 56 14 43 11 13 31 23 12
Environmental protection n.e.c.2 103 70 34 23 6 39 12 28
Housing and community amenities 280 88 226 210 119 220 174 138
Housing and community development 107 28 80 42 44 57 58 40
Water supply 140 20 120 130 57 115 82 74
Street lighting 16 0 16 27 13 39 32 12
Housing and community amenities n.e.c.2 18 40 10 13 13 10 1 13
Health 4,910 1,235 4,744 6,449 4,622 5,577 5,566 4,680
Medical products, appliances and equipment 368 10 358 315 232 267 310 469
Outpatient services 682 39 672 602 615 601 613 527
Hospital services 3,250 4 3,247 4,769 2,945 4,119 4,302 3,487
Public health services 239 11 228 170 333 440 97 92
Health n.e.c.2 371 1,170 239 593 490 150 243 105
Recreation, culture and religion 517 163 375 237 182 293 228 393
Recreational and sporting services 186 18 169 105 88 110 140 146
Cultural services 173 82 111 90 88 80 83 158
Broadcasting and publishing services 107 61 47 0 0 0 0 9
Recreation, culture, and religion n.e.c.2 51 2 49 42 6 103 6 81
Education 2,895 200 2,712 2,782 2,939 2,628 2,643 2,344
Primary and secondary education 1,768 29 1,740 1,820 1,689 1,433 1,618 1,611
College education 381 53 328 237 383 221 229 411
University education 658 52 607 652 797 953 613 308
Education n.e.c.2 88 66 38 73 69 21 181 14
Social protection 5,018 3,123 1,976 1,405 1,187 1,336 1,626 2,384
Sickness and disability 833 187 650 411 860 517 679 475
Old age 1,570 1,515 56 0 0 3 22 3
Family and children 1,480 871 627 335 132 233 455 996
Unemployment 341 315 26 0 0 0 0 22
Housing 186 57 175 214 107 161 143 136
Social exclusion n.e.c.2 551 178 388 426 69 421 250 718
Social protection n.e.c.2 56 1 55 15 13 0 77 34
  Ontario Manitoba Saskatchewan Alberta British Columbia Yukon Northwest Territories Nunavut
General public services 1,396 2,111 1,905 1,325 1,376 4,073 6,128 9,341
Executive and legislative organs, financial and fiscal affairs and external affairs 138 153 253 262 342 1,215 2,566 2,438
Foreign economic aid 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
General services 253 442 766 528 317 2,620 2,920 3,644
Basic research 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Public debt transactions 984 1,480 824 494 632 191 531 385
General public services n.e.c.2 21 34 63 41 85 24 133 2,849
Defence 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Military defense 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Civil defense 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Foreign military aid 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Defence n.e.c.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Public order and safety 778 849 947 707 769 2,144 3,031 3,542
Police services 360 337 382 291 341 738 1,018 1,181
Fire protection services 144 125 154 171 148 310 199 77
Law courts 114 104 134 111 149 405 619 847
Prisons 65 236 158 64 43 357 774 770
Public order and safety n.e.c.2 95 46 118 70 88 333 420 667
Economic affairs 1,512 823 1,342 2,611 790 7,051 6,814 9,957
General economic, commercial and labour affairs 157 120 156 198 164 476 885 1,565
Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting 47 287 604 363 193 834 951 411
Fuel and energy 421 0 78 1,260 4 214 996 5,133
Mining, manufacturing and construction 3 7 12 0 10 572 177 0
Transport 786 331 357 721 368 3,835 3,717 2,618
Economic affairs n.e.c.2 99 78 134 69 51 1,143 88 205
Environmental protection 312 235 310 434 304 1,620 1,549 513
Waste management 99 41 74 114 116 95 199 51
Waste water management 118 72 164 110 126 95 243 26
Pollution abatement 12 0 6 55 20 238 88 0
Protection of biodiversity and landscape 57 24 19 113 9 619 310 154
Environmental protection n.e.c.2 26 98 46 41 33 572 686 257
Housing and community amenities 208 292 330 296 277 2,454 2,146 3,311
Housing and community development 80 86 95 102 98 1,453 1,283 2,002
Water supply 108 157 201 153 162 953 774 1,283
Street lighting 12 17 30 19 16 24 66 51
Housing and community amenities n.e.c.2 7 30 4 22 1 0 22 0
Health 4,440 5,361 5,108 5,110 4,648 7,384 13,495 14,962
Medical products, appliances and equipment 375 268 348 224 304 119 310 154
Outpatient services 690 870 632 560 894 1,167 2,500 6,236
Hospital services 2,748 3,547 3,364 3,832 3,114 4,907 8,031 7,545
Public health services 323 318 408 180 140 214 354 642
Health n.e.c.2 305 358 355 313 197 1,000 2,279 411
Recreation, culture and religion 333 246 322 433 497 1,000 1,283 1,848
Recreational and sporting services 168 69 152 254 179 548 664 667
Cultural services 97 155 114 113 63 405 221 719
Broadcasting and publishing services 58 15 0 3 156 0 44 0
Recreation, culture, and religion n.e.c.2 10 6 57 63 98 48 354 462
Education 2,855 2,863 3,331 3,145 2,283 5,002 7,079 7,725
Primary and secondary education 1,795 2,088 2,157 2,101 1,308 2,716 5,133 4,337
College education 323 234 266 321 258 1,501 1,438 2,130
University education 685 522 866 702 700 0 0 180
Education n.e.c.2 51 19 42 22 18 786 509 1,078
Social protection 1,881 1,707 2,479 1,876 1,776 3,216 6,504 7,673
Sickness and disability 634 606 1,608 982 521 643 2,124 257
Old age 113 0 1 82 5 143 111 77
Family and children 584 777 396 464 412 881 1,062 2,489
Unemployment 15 13 51 101 9 0 155 77
Housing 173 159 148 92 277 762 1,858 4,568
Social exclusion n.e.c.2 296 146 178 95 489 191 553 128
Social protection n.e.c.2 66 5 99 61 63 596 619 103
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