Table 1 
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, how concerned are you about the following for your family? 

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, how concerned are you about the following for your family?
  Not at all Somewhat Very Extremely
Staying connected with family or friends 8.9 48.1 32.8 10.1
Getting along and supporting each other 21.5 41.1 27.6 9.8
Balancing child care, schooling and work 6.8 19.3 30.0 44.0
Managing your child's or children's behaviours, stress levels, anxiety and emotions 7.8 31.5 34.5 26.1
Feeling lonely in your own home 34.6 35.7 18.7 11.1
Having less patience, raising your voice, scolding or yelling at your children 14.7 39.7 27.1 18.5
Percent calculations exclude "not stated" missing responses.
Impacts of COVID-19 on Canadians: Parenting during the Pandemic - Data Collection Series (5323).
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