Infographic 5
Usual place of work and ability to work from home by industry, 15 years and older, Canada (excluding the territories), 2015/2016
Infographic description
The title of the infographic is "Usual place of work and ability to work from home by industry, 15 years and older, Canada (excluding the territories), 2015/2016"
This is a scatter chart.
The horizontal axis shows the percentage of employees who believe they cannot do their jobs from home, from 0 to 60, by increments of 10.
The vertical axis shows the percentage of workers who do not usually work at home, from 75 to 100, by increments of 5.
In natural resources, 95.5% of workers do not usually work at home and 37.7% of employees believe they cannot do their jobs from home.
In utilities, 98.2% of workers do not usually work at home and 31.2% of employees believe they cannot do their jobs from home.
In construction, 94.4% of workers do not usually work at home and 34.9% of employees believe they cannot do their jobs from home.
In manufacturing, 96.6% of workers do not usually work at home and 41.7% of employees believe they cannot do their jobs from home.
In wholesale trade, 92.0% of workers do not usually work at home and 22.8% of employees believe they cannot do their jobs from home.
In retail trade, 96.6% of workers do not usually work at home and 50.1% of employees believe they cannot do their jobs from home.
In transportation and warehousing, 96.0% of workers do not usually work at home and 49.9% of employees believe they cannot do their jobs from home.
In finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing, 87.9% of workers do not usually work at home and 17.9% of employees believe they cannot do their jobs from home.
In professional, scientific and technical services, 78.9% of workers do not usually work at home and 12.0% of employees believe they cannot do their jobs from home.
In business, building and other support services, 91.9% of workers do not usually work at home and 44.4% of employees believe they cannot do their jobs from home.
In educational services, 95.7% of workers do not usually work at home and 17.9% of employees believe they cannot do their jobs from home.
In health care and social assistance, 94.4% of workers do not usually work at home and 38.4% of employees believe they cannot do their jobs from home.
In information, culture and recreation, 88.4% of workers do not usually work at home and 36.0% of employees believe they cannot do their jobs from home.
In accommodation and food services, 97.9% of workers do not usually work at home and 50.6% of employees believe they cannot do their jobs from home.
In other services, 89.1% of workers do not usually work at home and 25.1% of employees believe they cannot do their jobs from home.
In public administration, 98.1% of workers do not usually work at home and 30.3% of employees believe they cannot do their jobs from home.
Notes: 1. For ease of interpretation, agriculture is not included in the chart. In 2015-2016, 51.9% of workers in this industry reported usually working at a different address from their home, the lowest among industries. At the same time, 36.0% of employees in agriculture reported not being able to do their job from home. 2. Y axis is based on data from the 2016 General Social Survey and refers to employees who were employed at some point in the previous 12 months when interviewed in 2016. 3. X axis is based on data from the 2016 Census of Population and refers to employees and self-employed workers who were employed at some point between January 2015 and May 2016.
Sources: General Social Survey and Census of Population, custom tabulations.
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