Infographic 1

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Infographic description

The title of the infographic is "Highlights"

This is a text box that presents the highlights of the release.

In February 2020, the total number of Canadians with a job or business was 19.2 million. In March, employment declined by more than 1 million. A further 2.1 million Canadians remained employed but worked either zero hours or less than half their usual hours.

Between March 2019 and February 2020, the unemployment rate varied between 5.4% and 5.9%. In March, the unemployment rate increased by 2.2 percentage points to 7.8%, the largest one-month increase recorded since 1976. When those who recently worked and wanted a job, but did not search for work, are included, the unemployment rate in March is 8.9%.

Between March 2019 and February 2020, the total number of hours worked across all industries increased by an average of 0.1% each month. In March, total hours worked across all industries dropped by 15%, led by declines in industries requiring social contact or where telework is not practical.

Between March 2019 and February 2020, youth employment increased by 54,700. In March, youth employment fell by 392,000, the largest decrease of any age group. Employment fell more sharply among students (-31.6%), than non-students (-1.8%).

In February 2020, almost as many women as men aged 25-54 were employed. In March, employment among women aged 25 to 54 employment fell by 298,500, more than twice the decrease for men the same age. Nearly half of the decrease was among women working part-time.

At the peak of the 2008–2009 recession, the "recent labour underutilization rate" was 12.8%. In March, about a quarter of the potential labour force (23.0%) was unemployed, working reduced hours or recently out of the labour force.

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