Table 1 
Gross domestic product (GDP) of the agriculture and agri-food industries by province, 2015 

Gross domestic product (GDP) of the agriculture and agri-food industries by province, 2015
  GDP GDP of agriculture and agri-food Agriculture and agri-food
  millions of dollarsmillions of dollars % share
Canada 1,851,507 48,982 2.6
Newfoundland and Labrador 28,901 449 1.6
Prince Edward Island 5,540 423 7.6
Nova Scotia 36,930 795 2.2
New Brunswick 30,527 1,080 3.5
Quebec 356,394 9,332 2.6
Ontario 705,844 15,263 2.2
Manitoba 60,889 3,364 5.5
Saskatchewan 75,257 7,361 9.8
Alberta 311,694 7,537 2.4
British Columbia 230,014 3,367 1.5
Yukon 2,541 3 0.1
Northwest Territories 4,596 3 0.1
Nunavut 2,380 5 0.2
Data tables for the Agriculture and Agri-Foods Economic Account, 2015 (1401).
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