Table 2 
Provincial total farm cash receipts 

Provincial total farm cash receipts
  First quarter 2017r First quarter 2018r First quarter 2019p First quarter 2017 to first quarter 2018 First quarter 2018 to first quarter 2019
  millions of dollarsmillions of dollarsmillions of dollars % change1% change1
Canada 16,220 15,453 15,927 -4.7 3.1
Newfoundland 32 34 34 5.3 2.6
Prince Edward Island 129 126 146 -2.1 15.6
Nova Scotia 119 128 125 7.7 -2.5
New Brunswick 140 146 193 4.2 32.5
Quebec 1,889 1,855 1,902 -1.8 2.6
Ontario 2,746 2,820 2,811 2.7 -0.3
Manitoba 1,873 1,745 1,722 -6.8 -1.3
Saskatchewan 4,551 4,093 4,277 -10.1 4.5
Alberta 4,096 3,841 3,994 -6.2 4.0
British Columbia 647 667 722 3.0 8.3
Figures may not add up to totals because of rounding.
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