Table 3 
Exports by firms from the Prairie provinces, 2010 and 2018  

Exports by firms from the Prairie provinces, 2010 and 2018
2010 – Exporters2018 – Exporters2010 – Destination countries2018 – Destination countries2010 – Export value2018 – Export value
  numbernumbernumbernumber billions of dollarsbillions of dollars
Total, energy and non-energy products 7,157 8,392 76 75 106.7 157.6
Energy products  329 173 53 65 66.9 94.9
Non-energy products   6,996 8,219 76 68 39.8 62.7
Selected non-energy products            
Oil seeds and fruits  520 611 76 68 3.9 6.9
Cereals 304 562 76 68 4.3 6.8
Fertilizers 53 57 22 52 5.9 6.4
The term "energy product" refers to section C12 of the North American Product Classification System. The term "non-energy product" refers to all the remaining products.
Trade by Exporter Characteristics – Goods (5124).
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