Map 1
Household greenhouse gas emissions per capita, by province and territory, 2016

001&8211;1, 001

Map description

The title of the map is "Household greenhouse gas emissions per capita, by province and territory, 2016"

Provincial boundaries are outlined in white, with surrounding land masses and water bodies also coloured white, making the Canadian provinces the only prominent geographic features included on the map. Each province is labeled in black text, with the label either inside the larger provinces, or adjacent to the smaller provinces.

The title of the legend is "Tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent" and displays five ranges of per capita emissions corresponding to a colour gradient that darkens as per capita emissions increase.

The lightest colour is pale yellow and corresponds to a range of emissions from 2.1 to less than 2.9. Nunavut is shaded pale yellow.

Pale pink corresponds to a range of emissions from 2.9 to less than 3.9. Yukon, Northwest Territories, British Columbia, Manitoba, Ontario, and Quebec are shaded pale pink.

Medium pink corresponds to a range of emissions from 3.9 to less than 4.5. Alberta is shaded medium pink.

Red-brown corresponds to a range of emissions from 4.5 to less than 5.9. New Brunswick, Saskatchewan, Nova Scotia, and Newfoundland and Labrador are shaded red-brown.

Red corresponds to a range of emissions from 5.9 to 6.6. Prince Edward Island is shaded red.

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