Table 2 
Manufacturing sales by industry – Seasonally adjusted  

Manufacturing sales by industry – Seasonally adjusted
August to September 2018 September 2017 to September 2018
  millions of dollarsmillions of dollarsmillions of dollars % change1% change1
Food manufacturing 8,296 8,664 8,660 -0.1 4.4
Beverage and tobacco product 1,119 1,188 1,209 1.8 8.0
Textile mills 134 147 143 -2.8 6.6
Textile product mills 141 160 150 -6.3 5.9
Clothing manufacturing 221 216 197 -8.8 -11.0
Leather and allied product 26 25 26 4.4 0.1
Wood product 2,831 2,978 2,891 -2.9 2.1
Paper manufacturing 2,352 2,645 2,638 -0.3 12.1
Printing and related support activities 791 776 800 3.1 1.1
Petroleum and coal product 5,607 6,619 6,682 0.9 19.2
Chemical 4,226 4,676 4,743 1.4 12.2
Plastics and rubber products 2,494 2,811 2,839 1.0 13.9
Non-metallic mineral product 1,155 1,189 1,186 -0.2 2.8
Primary metal 4,187 4,298 4,270 -0.7 2.0
Fabricated metal product 2,837 3,360 3,351 -0.3 18.1
Machinery 3,143 3,524 3,306 -6.2 5.2
Computer and electronic product 1,275 1,353 1,346 -0.5 5.6
Electrical equipment, appliance and component 910 975 945 -3.0 3.9
Transportation equipment 10,365 10,664 10,999 3.1 6.1
Motor vehicle 4,941 4,890 5,188 6.1 5.0
Motor vehicle body and trailer 290 329 329 -0.1 13.2
Motor vehicle parts 2,516 2,685 2,737 1.9 8.8
Aerospace product and parts 1,782 2,057 2,095 1.9 17.6
Railroad rolling stock 309 253 279 10.2 -9.7
Ship and boat building 152 188 150 -20.3 -1.5
Furniture and related product 1,085 1,067 1,079 1.1 -0.6
Miscellaneous manufacturing 1,040 1,044 1,021 -2.2 -1.9
Non-durable goods industries 25,406 27,926 28,085 0.6 10.5
Durable goods industries 28,826 30,452 30,396 -0.2 5.4
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