Table 1 
Investment income - Canada, provinces and territories 

Investment income - Canada, provinces and territories
2016 – Tax filers reporting investment income2015 to 2016 – Tax filers reporting investment income2016 – All tax filers2016 – Investment income2015 – Investment income2015 to 2016 – Investment income2016 – Median investment income
  number % change % thousands of dollars thousands of dollars (2016 constant dollars) % change dollars
Canada 7,316,120 -2.2 27.8 68,895,970 82,788,970 -16.8 650
Newfoundland and Labrador 64,160 -5.7 15.6 351,670 422,225 -16.7 330
Prince Edward Island 25,450 4.6 22.8 157,605 161,405 -2.4 450
Nova Scotia 153,220 -4.0 21.7 1,472,360 1,590,780 -7.4 560
New Brunswick 104,820 -4.7 17.9 788,415 757,300 4.1 430
Quebec 1,516,040 -2.7 23.9 11,964,680 12,937,170 -7.5 550
Ontario 2,866,930 -1.6 28.8 25,085,425 28,639,100 -12.4 650
Manitoba 254,090 -3.3 27.3 1,652,085 1,931,515 -14.5 480
Saskatchewan 245,680 -3.3 30.6 2,600,410 3,057,150 -14.9 700
Alberta 908,540 -3.6 31.3 12,120,575 20,192,930 -40.0 810
British Columbia 1,165,440 -1.0 33.0 12,606,910 12,987,320 -2.9 820
Yukon 6,220 -1.7 23.6 57,470 54,990 4.5 740
Northwest Territories 4,170 -5.4 14.1 29,900 47,610 -37.2 330
Nunavut 1,380 5.3 6.9 8,460 9,465 -10.6 160
All figures for previous years have been adjusted for inflation, as measured by the Consumer Price Index.
CANSIM table 111-0038.
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