Table 2 
Manufacturing sales: Industry aggregates – Seasonally adjusted  

Manufacturing sales: Industry aggregates – Seasonally adjusted
August to September 2017 September 2016 to September 2017
  millions of dollarsmillions of dollarsmillions of dollars % change1% change1
Food manufacturing 8,326 8,481 8,393 -1.0 0.8
Beverage and tobacco product 1,110 1,150 1,147 -0.3 3.4
Textile mills 138 129 126 -2.4 -8.8
Textile product mills 136 142 130 -8.7 -4.4
Clothing manufacturing 178 203 210 3.7 18.4
Leather and allied product 38 30 30 -0.8 -20.5
Wood product 2,487 2,756 2,754 -0.1 10.7
Paper manufacturing 2,199 2,286 2,308 1.0 5.0
Printing and related support activities 759 740 743 0.3 -2.1
Petroleum and coal product 4,437 4,943 5,452 10.3 22.9
Chemical 4,213 4,183 4,162 -0.5 -1.2
Plastics and rubber products 2,427 2,678 2,681 0.1 10.4
Non-metallic mineral product 1,066 1,233 1,224 -0.8 14.8
Primary metal 3,768 4,270 4,227 -1.0 12.2
Fabricated metal product 2,708 2,875 2,831 -1.5 4.5
Machinery 2,644 3,239 3,300 1.9 24.8
Computer and electronic product 1,181 1,121 1,106 -1.4 -6.4
Electrical equipment, appliance and component 842 834 847 1.5 0.6
Transportation equipment 10,735 10,335 10,265 -0.7 -4.4
Motor vehicle 5,558 5,267 4,956 -5.9 -10.8
Motor vehicle body and trailer 277 316 307 -2.8 11.0
Motor vehicle parts 2,638 2,470 2,407 -2.5 -8.7
Aerospace product and parts 1,596 1,667 1,760 5.6 10.3
Railroad rolling stock 253 169 282 66.8 11.4
Ship and boat building 148 153 152 -0.7 2.7
Furniture and related product 960 927 926 -0.2 -3.6
Miscellaneous manufacturing 1,031 909 875 -3.7 -15.1
Non-durable goods industries 23,960 24,966 25,383 1.7 5.9
Durable goods industries 27,422 28,499 28,353 -0.5 3.4
CANSIM table 304-0014.
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