Table 5 
Canadian economic accounts key indicators – Seasonally adjusted 

Canadian economic accounts key indicators – Seasonally adjusted
  Fourth quarter 2015 First quarter 2016 Second quarter 2016 Third quarter 2016 Fourth quarter 2016 First quarter 2017
Real gross domestic income (index 2007=100) 109.4 109.5 109.6 111.0 112.4 114.2
Gross domestic product deflator (index 2007=100) 112.1 112.0 112.2 113.0 114.3 115.5
Terms of trade (index 2007=100) 91.5 89.7 90.9 91.7 93.6 95.5
Household sector            
Household disposable income (millions of dollars) 1,144,476 1,148,456 1,153,192 1,170,936 1,185,316 1,190,580
Household net saving (millions of dollars) 64,164 55,692 56,388 61,684 62,380 51,784
Household saving rate (%) 5.6 4.8 4.9 5.3 5.3 4.3
Household debt service ratio (%) 13.91 14.12 14.26 14.19 14.13 14.17
Government sector            
General government disposable income (millions of dollars) 407,096 407,972 411,244 409,092 412,896 422,300
General government net saving (millions of dollars) -13,368 -17,200 -18,732 -21,024 -21,084 -14,188
Corporate sector            
Non-financial corporations' net operating surplus (millions of dollars) 182,288 178,932 171,392 190,664 206,752 232,384
Financial corporations' net operating surplus (millions of dollars) 31,680 34,816 19,096 33,708 38,400 39,204
Non-financial corporations' net saving (millions of dollars) -48,064 -46,480 -49,604 -43,564 -36,612 -5,032
Financial corporations' net saving (millions of dollars) 34,240 36,840 22,980 36,368 47,488 36,692
National net saving (millions of dollars) 38,232 30,524 13,432 34,936 53,552 70,604
National saving rate (%) 2.4 1.9 0.8 2.1 3.2 4.1
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