Table 1 
Registered retirement savings plan contributors - Canada, provinces and territories 

Registered retirement savings plan contributors - Canada, provinces and territories
2015 – Contributors2014 to 2015 – Contributors2015 – All taxfilers2015 – Contributions2014 to 2015 – Contributions2015 – Median contributions
  number % change % thousands of dollars % change dollars
Canada 5,989,810 0.3 22.9 39,185,200 1.5 3,000
Newfoundland and Labrador 69,510 0.8 16.8 488,475 3.5 3,060
Prince Edward Island 19,710 2.5 17.9 120,930 6.4 2,600
Nova Scotia 122,950 0.0 17.4 729,715 -0.1 2,480
New Brunswick 96,720 -0.2 16.5 584,840 0.0 2,600
Quebec 1,533,410 0.3 24.3 9,391,485 2.2 2,650
Ontario 2,203,670 0.3 22.3 14,875,160 2.3 3,000
Manitoba 198,950 0.3 21.5 1,054,950 0.0 2,300
Saskatchewan 192,650 -0.2 24.0 1,104,410 -1.7 2,700
Alberta 784,350 -0.6 27.0 5,560,630 -3.1 3,440
British Columbia 751,450 1.2 21.5 5,168,265 4.3 3,330
Yukon 6,910 1.5 26.7 44,505 -2.0 3,300
Northwest Territories 7,290 3.6 24.6 44,860 -3.7 3,000
Nunavut 2,260 1.8 11.4 16,970 4.9 4,000
CANSIM table 111-0039.
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