Table 3 
Coverage and eligibility of the unemployed for Employment Insurance benefits by age group, Canada, 2015 

Coverage and eligibility of the unemployed for Employment Insurance benefits by age group, Canada, 2015
  Number Unemployed Contributors Contributors with valid job separation
  thousands %%%
Total unemployed, aged 15 to 24 319 100.0 ... ...
Contributors 173 54.4 100.0 ...
Contributors, valid job separation 82 25.6 47.1 100.0
Eligible contributors 44 13.8 25.4 54.0
Not eligible due to not enough insurable hours 38 11.8 21.7 46.0
Contributors, invalid job separation 92 28.7 52.9 ...
Invalid job separation: quit to go back to school 53E 16.6 30.5 ...
Invalid job separation: other reasons deemed invalid 39E 12.2E 22.4E ...
Non-contributors 146 45.6 ... ...
Had no insurable employment 14E 4.3E ... ...
Had not worked in previous 12 months/never worked 132 41.3 ... ...
Total unemployed, aged 25 to 44 483 100.0 ... ...
Contributors 325 67.3 100.0 ...
Contributors, valid job separation 282 58.3 86.7 100.0
Eligible contributors 231 47.9 71.1 82.1
Not eligible due to not enough insurable hours 50E 10.4E 15.5 17.9
Contributors, invalid job separation 43E 9.0E 13.3E ...
Invalid job separation: quit to go back to school F F F ...
Invalid job separation: other reasons deemed invalid 38E 7.8E 11.6E ...
Non-contributors 158 32.7 ... ...
Had no insurable employment 26E 5.5E ... ...
Had not worked in previous 12 months/never worked 132 27.2 ... ...
Total unemployed, aged 45 and over 497 100.0 ... ...
Contributors 350 70.4 100.0 ...
Contributors, valid job separation 324 65.2 92.7 100.0
Eligible contributors 294 59.1 84.1 90.7
Not eligible due to not enough insurable hours 30E 6.1E 8.7E 9.3E
Contributors, invalid job separation 25E 5.1E 7.3E ...
Invalid job separation: quit to go back to school F F F ...
Invalid job separation: other reasons deemed invalid 24E 4.9E 7.0E ...
Non-contributors 147 29.6 ... ...
Had no insurable employment 12E 2.5E ... ...
Had not worked in previous 12 months/never worked 135 27.2 ... ...
not applicable
use with caution
too unreliable to be published
Employment Insurance Coverage Survey (4428).
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