Table 1 
Travel between Canada and other countries – Seasonally adjusted 

Travel between Canada and other countries – Seasonally adjusted
September to October 2015
  thousandsthousandsthousands % change1
Canadian trips abroad2 5,255 4,428 4,487 1.3
To the United States 4,349 3,470 3,457 -0.4
To other countries 906 959 1,030 7.4
Same-day car trips to the United States 2,409 1,791 1,793 0.1
Total trips, one or more nights 2,814 2,608 2,669 2.3
United States3 1,908 1,650 1,639 -0.6
Car 1,118 920 907 -1.4
Plane 691 642 642 0.0
Other modes of transportation 98 88 90 2.2
Other countries 906 959 1,030 7.4
Travel to Canada2 2,192 2,339 2,308 -1.3
From the United States 1,746 1,860 1,844 -0.8
From other countries 446 479 464 -3.1
Same-day car trips from the United States 609 655 654 -0.1
Total trips, one or more nights 1,425 1,511 1,489 -1.5
United States3 997 1,048 1,041 -0.7
Car 586 639 622 -2.7
Plane 298 296 307 3.8
Other modes of transportation 113 113 111 -1.7
Other countries4 428 462 448 -3.1
Travel to Canada: Top overseas markets,5 by country of origin6        
United Kingdom 59 63 61 -2.9
France 42 44 45 0.5
China 40 47 41 -12.0
Germany 28 29 30 2.5
Australia 25 26 26 0.2
Japan 23 26 25 -6.3
South Korea 18 17 19 7.8
India 16 18 18 1.7
Mexico 16 17 18 1.4
Hong Kong 13 13 12 -8.2
Netherlands 9 10 11 5.2
Italy 11 11 10 -3.7
CANSIM tables 427-0004, 427-0005 and 427-0006.
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