Table 2 
Income statistics by after-tax income decile, economic families and persons not in an economic family, 2013 

Income statistics by after-tax income decile, economic families and persons not in an economic family, 2013
  Upper after-tax income limit Average after-tax income
All deciles . 66,600
Lowest decile 17,300 9,200
Second decile 26,200 21,500
Third decile 35,200 30,900
Fourth decile 44,000 39,600
Fifth decile 53,500 48,700
Sixth decile 65,300 59,200
Seventh decile 79,100 71,900
Eighth decile 98,400 88,300
Ninth decile 130,600 113,100
Highest decile . 183,600
not available for any reference period
CANSIM table 206-0031.
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