Table 4 
Real gross domestic product by expenditure account – Seasonally adjusted at annual rates 

Real gross domestic product by expenditure account – Seasonally adjusted at annual rates
Fourth quarter 2014First quarter 2015Contributions to percent change in real gross domestic product – First quarter 2015Contributions to percent change in implicit price indexes – First quarter 2015Annualized contributions to percent change in real gross domestic product – First quarter 2015
  millions of chained (2007) dollarsmillions of chained (2007) dollars percentage pointspercentage pointspercentage points
Final consumption expenditure 1,356,446 1,356,716 0.015 0.296 0.060
Household final consumption expenditure 982,739 983,715 0.054 -0.014 0.216
Goods 453,108 453,359 0.013 -0.200 0.052
Durable goods 142,954 140,946 -0.097 0.034 -0.387
Semi-durable goods 82,281 82,537 0.012 0.006 0.048
Non-durable goods 229,710 231,391 0.098 -0.240 0.391
Services 529,441 530,150 0.041 0.186 0.164
Non-profit institutions serving households' final consumption expenditure 25,376 25,472 0.005 -0.015 0.020
General governments final consumption expenditure 349,586 348,859 -0.044 0.325 -0.176
Gross fixed capital formation 409,268 401,888 -0.435 0.198 -1.737
Business gross fixed capital formation 344,270 335,596 -0.509 0.177 -2.032
Residential structures 117,466 118,617 0.068 0.018 0.271
Non-residential structures, machinery and equipment 194,829 186,816 -0.464 0.144 -1.848
Non-residential structures 114,721 108,604 -0.387 0.025 -1.545
Machinery and equipment 77,247 75,778 -0.076 0.120 -0.303
Intellectual property products 33,447 31,513 -0.114 0.015 -0.455
Non-profit institutions serving households' gross fixed capital formation 2,237 2,254 0.001 0.001 0.004
General governments gross fixed capital formation 62,933 64,158 0.073 0.019 0.291
Investment in inventories 8,513 11,460 0.199 -0.014 0.794
Exports of goods and services 560,223 558,737 -0.082 -0.716 -0.327
Goods 477,167 475,000 -0.119 -0.707 -0.475
Services 83,868 84,504 0.037 -0.009 0.148
Less: imports of goods and services 579,518 577,337 -0.125 0.348 -0.499
Goods 471,826 470,473 -0.078 0.301 -0.311
Services 107,439 106,601 -0.047 0.047 -0.188
Statistical discrepancy 649 1,155 0.029 0.000 0.116
Gross domestic product at market prices 1,765,019 1,762,406 -0.148 -0.584 -0.595
Final domestic demand 1,764,070 1,756,795 -0.419 0.494 -1.677
CANSIM table 380-0064 and 380-0066.
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