New products and studies
New products
Retail Trade, September 2013, Vol. 85, no. 9
Catalogue number Catalogue number63-005-X (HTML | PDF)
Health at a Glance
Catalogue number Catalogue number82-624-X (HTML | PDF)
Aboriginal Peoples Survey, 2012: "The Education and Employment Experiences of First Nations People Living Off Reserve, Inuit, and Métis: Selected Findings from the 2012 Aboriginal Peoples Survey", 2012
Catalogue number Catalogue number89-653-X2013001 (HTML | PDF)
Annual Demographic Estimates: Canada, Provinces and Territories, 2013, No. 2
Catalogue number Catalogue number91-215-X (HTML | PDF)
New studies
Catalogue numberBreastfeeding trends in Canada
Health at a Glance
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