Table 1
Travel between Canada and other countries – Seasonally adjusted

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Travel between Canada and other countries – Seasonally adjusted
  December 2011r November 2012r December 2012p November to December 2012
  thousands % change1
Canadian trips abroad2 5,335 5,472 5,555 1.5
To the United States 4,575 4,664 4,747 1.8
To other countries 761 808 808 -0.0
Same-day car trips to the United States 2,728 2,706 2,724 0.6
Total trips, one or more nights 2,568 2,729 2,788 2.2
United States3 1,808 1,921 1,980 3.1
Car 1,084 1,175 1,219 3.7
Plane 614 639 650 1.8
Other modes of transportation 110 106 111 4.8
Other countries4 761 808 808 -0.0
Travel to Canada2 2,135 2,082 2,114 1.5
From the United States 1,747 1,692 1,721 1.7
From other countries 388 390 393 0.8
Same-day car trips from the United States 667 624 604 -3.3
Total trips, one or more nights 1,330 1,344 1,364 1.5
United States3 952 968 985 1.7
Car 569 574 573 -0.2
Plane 268 278 292 5.3
Other modes of transportation 116 116 120 2.7
Other countries4 378 376 379 0.9
Travel to Canada: Top overseas markets, by country of origin5        
United Kingdom 58 56 57 1.4
France 40 40 39 -2.8
Germany 28 26 27 1.1
China 23 24 27 9.4
Australia 21 23 23 0.9
Japan 20 20 21 3.2
India 15 12 14 12.5
South Korea 13 14 14 0.2
Mexico 13 13 12 -3.7
Hong Kong 11 10 11 4.8
Italy 8 9 9 0.6
Switzerland 10 10 9 -8.2
Percentage change is based on unrounded data.
Totals exceed the sum of "same-day car trips" and "total trips, one or more nights" because they include all of the same-day trips.
Data for the United States include counts of cars and buses, and data for planes, trains, boats and other methods.
Figures for other countries exclude same-day entries by land only, via the United States.
Includes same-day and overnight trips.