Table 1
Average counts of adults under correctional supervision, Canada

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Average counts of adults under correctional supervision, Canada
  2010/2011 Percent change in rate 2009/2010 to 2010/2011
number rate1
Total correctional supervision2, 3 163,229 615.9 -0.9
Federal custody 13,758 50.6 2.6
Provincial and territorial custody 24,461 89.9 -0.1
Sentenced custody 10,916 40.1 7.1
Remand 13,086 48.1 -6.2
Other 458 1.7 31.9
Total custody 38,219 140.5 0.9
Community supervision      
Probation2, 3 103,955 393.2 -0.9
Conditional sentences2, 3 13,211 50.0 -4.2
Full parole 3,652 13.4 -3.3
Statutory release 2,389 8.8 -4.9
Day parole 1,143 4.2 -1.1
Provincial parole4 659 3.9 -8.1
Total community supervision2, 3 125,010 472.9 -1.5
Rates are calculated per 100,000 adult population (18 years and over).
Data for 2010/2011 excludes community supervision counts in Nova Scotia.
The percent change in rates from 2009/2010 to 2010/2011 exclude Newfoundland and Labrador and Nova Scotia.
The 2010/2011 figures as well as the percent change in rate reflect data from Quebec and Ontario, the only provinces that currently operate provincial parole boards.
Counts are based on the average number of adults in correctional services on any given day. Figures may not add up as a result of rounding.