Aircraft movement statistics: Major airports, August 2012

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Aircraft take-offs and landings at the 93 Canadian airports with NAV CANADA air traffic control towers and flight service stations decreased 0.9% in August from August 2011. These airports reported 536,865 movements in August.

Available without charge in CANSIM: tables CANSIM table401-0007 to 401-0020.

Definitions, data sources and methods: survey number survey number2715.

A data table with summary information on NAV CANADA Towers is available from the Key resource module of our website under Summary tables.

The August 2012 issue of Aircraft Movement Statistics: NAV CANADA Towers and Flight Service Stations (TP 141) (Catalogue number51-007-X, free) is now available from the Key resource module of our website under Publications. This report is a joint publication of Statistics Canada and Transport Canada.

For more information, or to enquire about the concepts, methods or data quality of this release, contact Statistics Canada's National Contact Centre (toll-free 1-800-263-1136; 613-951-8116; or the Media Hotline (613-951-4636;