Table 1
Distribution of donor and volunteer rates, average donations and volunteer hours, by province and territory, population aged 15 and over, 2010 

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Distribution of donor and volunteer rates, average donations and volunteer hours, by province and territory, population aged 15 and over, 2010 

Table summary
This table displays the results of distribution of donor and volunteer rates donor rate, average annual donations1, volunteer rate and average annual volunteer hours1, calculated using %, dollars and hours units of measure (appearing as column headers).

  Donor rate Average annual donationsNote 1 Volunteer rate Average annual volunteer hoursNote 1
  % dollars % hours
Canada 84.1 446 47.0 156
Newfoundland and Labrador 91.7 331 52.1 155
Prince Edward Island 91.4 479 55.7 157
Nova Scotia 87.7 369 53.8 207
New Brunswick 88.1 380 48.7 154
Quebec 84.6 208 36.7 128
Ontario 84.4 526 47.7 164
Manitoba 86.2 519 52.9 141
Saskatchewan 84.1 544 58.2 143
Alberta 83.7 562 54.7 140
British Columbia 80.1 543 49.8 178
Yukon 82.2 514 48.9 131
Northwest Territories 59.5 412 36.5 173
Nunavut 59.3 344 41.2 152