Table 1
Manufacturing: Principal statistics – Seasonally adjusted

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Manufacturing: Principal statistics – Seasonally adjusted

Table summary
This table displays the results of manufacturing: principal statistics – seasonally adjusted august 2010, july 2011, august 2011, july to august 2011 and august 2010 to august 2011, calculated using $ millions and % change units of measure (appearing as column headers).

  August 2010 July 2011Note r: revised August 2011Note p: preliminary July to August 2011 August 2010 to August 2011
  $ millions % changeNote 1
Manufacturing sales (current dollars) 44,624 46,966 47,629 1.4 6.7
Manufacturing sales (2002 constant dollars) 41,162 41,785 42,259 1.1 2.7
Manufacturing sales excluding motor vehicles, parts and accessories (current dollars) 38,796 41,771 42,540 1.8 9.7
Inventories 59,293 63,244 63,457 0.3 7.0
Unfilled orders 53,888 59,563 60,325 1.3 11.9
Unfilled orders excluding motor vehicles, parts and accessories 53,230 58,964 59,681 1.2 12.1
New orders 45,425 47,994 48,392 0.8 6.5
New orders excluding motor vehicles, parts and accessories 39,667 42,820 43,258 1.0 9.1
Inventory-to-sales ratio 1.33 1.35 1.33 Note ...: not applicable Note ...: not applicable