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Modest gains in inventory levels

The title of the graph is "Modest gains in inventory levels".
This is a line chart.
There are in total 37 categories in the horizontal axis. The vertical axis starts at 56 and ends at 70 with ticks every 2 points.
There are 1 series in this graph.
The vertical axis is "$ billions¹".
The units of the horizontal axis are months by year ranging from August 2008 to August 2011.
The title of series 1 is "$ billions".
The minimum value is 57.79143 occurring in May 2010.
The maximum value is 68.142959 occurring in October 2008.
This chart has a note which reads "1. Seasonally adjusted.".

Modest gains in inventory levels
  $ billions¹
August 2008 67.396226
September 2008 67.319351
October 2008 68.142959
November 2008 67.762167
December 2008 66.193574
January 2009 66.37199
February 2009 65.794274
March 2009 64.512526
April 2009 63.55961
May 2009 62.750362
June 2009 62.304543
July 2009 61.026312
August 2009 60.690566
September 2009 59.270195
October 2009 59.497036
November 2009 59.584073
December 2009 58.862901
January 2010 58.815471
February 2010 58.844919
March 2010 58.154566
April 2010 58.199958
May 2010 57.79143
June 2010 58.018213
July 2010 58.542216
August 2010 59.292871
September 2010 59.289467
October 2010 59.454524
November 2010 60.03624
December 2010 60.318504
January 2011 60.669
February 2011 60.7
March 2011 61.878
April 2011 62.753
May 2011 63.167
June 2011 63.179
July 2011 63.244
August 2011 63.457

1. Seasonally adjusted.