Table 1
Police-reported hate crimes, by type of motivation

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Police-reported hate crimes, by type of motivation
  2008  2009 2008 to 2009
  number % number % % change in number
Race or ethnicity          
Black 205 37.3 272 37.7 32.7
South Asian 64 11.7 92 12.8 43.8
Arab or West Asian 37 6.7 75 10.4 102.7
East and Southeast Asian 44 8.0 71 9.8 61.4
Caucasian 22 4.0 34 4.7 54.5
Aboriginal¹ 20 3.6 26 3.6 30.0
Multiple races or ethnicities 115 20.9 96 13.3 -16.5
Other 42 7.7 55 7.6 31.0
Unknown 14 ... 41 ... 192.9
Total 563 100.0 762 100.0 35.3
Jewish 165 64.2 283 71.5 71.5
Muslim (Islam) 26 10.1 36 9.1 38.5
Catholic 30 11.7 33 8.3 10.0
Other 36 14.0 44 11.1 22.2
Unknown 8 ... 14 ... ...
Total 265 100.0 410 100.0 54.7
Sexual orientation 159 ... 188 ... 18.2
Other motivations 33 ... 55 ... 66.7
Unknown 16 ... 58 ... 262.5
Total 1,036 ... 1,473 ... 42.2
not applicable
The number of hate crimes against Aboriginal people may be under-reported due to the unavailability of data from police services in the territories and the Prairie provinces where the proportion of the Aboriginal population in Canada is highest.
In total, information reflects data reported by police services which, in 2009, covered 87% of the population of Canada.