Table 3
Sales of alcoholic beverages per capita 15 years and over at March 31, 2010 

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Sales of alcoholic beverages per capita 15 years and over at March 31, 2010 
  Beer Wine Spirits Total
Canada 326.4 207.6 174.9 708.8
Newfoundland and Labrador 534.1 116.7 302.0 952.8
Prince Edward Island 355.0 121.6 226.7 703.3
Nova Scotia 382.0 144.4 246.1 772.5
New Brunswick 378.1 120.6 174.7 673.4
Quebec 386.3 307.2 95.0 788.4
Ontario 276.9 174.5 171.2 622.7
Manitoba 287.8 126.0 234.2 648.1
Saskatchewan 332.3 91.1 259.9 683.3
Alberta 326.4 166.0 222.0 714.4
British Columbia 323.4 250.9 217.5 791.8
Yukon 641.7 243.3 386.5 1,271.5
Northwest Territories and Nunavut 435.4 132.4 378.1 945.9
Data may not add up to totals as a result of rounding.