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Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Released at 8:30 a.m. Eastern time

Canada's population estimates, third quarter 2010 

As of October 1, 2010 ,Canada's population was estimated at 34,238,000, an increase of 129,300 (+0.4%) from July 1, 2010. During the third quarter, 84,200 immigrants arrived in Canada, 8,800 more than in the same quarter of 2009.

Waste management industry: Business and government sectors, 2008

The Canadian waste management industry handled just over 34 million tonnes of waste in 2008, up 2.1% over 2006. This amount translates into about 1,031 kilograms of waste per Canadian.

Farm Product Price Index, October 2010

Railway carloadings, October 2010

Large urban transit, October 2010 

Government Finance Statistics, third quarter 2010

Quarterly industry revenue indices for selected service industries, third quarter 2010

New products and studies