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Table 1 Police-reported robbery by province and territory

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Police-reported robbery by province and territory
  2008 1999 to 2008
  number rate per 100,000 population  % change in rate
Newfoundland and Labrador 139 27 115
Prince Edward Island 23 16 7
Nova Scotia 575 61 24
New Brunswick 210 28 18
Quebec 6,974 90 -30
Ontario 11,920 92 7
Manitoba 1,907 158 -20
Saskatchewan 1,305 128 32
Alberta 3,783 106 8
British Columbia 5,391 123 -22
Yukon 15 45 -7
Northwest Territories 23 53 14
Nunavut 16 51 95
Canada 32,281 97 -10