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Canadian Tobacco Use Monitoring Survey

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The Daily

Monday, August 25, 2008

In 2007, one in five Canadians reported smoking either every day or occasionally, the same proportion as in 2005 and 2006. In addition, smoking prevalence across all age groups remained stable.

Smoking rates in the provinces continued to be within 5 percentage points of the national average. Once again, British Columbia had the lowest rate, and Saskatchewan, for the second year in row, had the highest.

Rates of exposure to second hand smoke in 2007 changed very little from 2006. The proportion of respondents who reported being exposed to second hand smoke at least once a week, but not every day was 35%. The proportion of people who reported they were exposed to second hand smoke every day remained unchanged at 12%.

In total, 14% of households reported at least one person who smoked in the home every day or almost every day. Among the remaining households, 12% reported that they allowed smoking inside their home. Overall, 42% of households that either had a regular smoker or allowed smoking placed some type of restriction on smoking in the home.

Definitions, data sources and methods: survey number 4440.

February to December 2007 data are now available in the Canadian Tobacco Use Monitoring Survey Microdata File (82M0020XCB, $2,140).

For information on the microdata file, or to enquire about the concepts, methods or data quality of this release, contact Client Services (toll-free 1-800-461-9050; 613-951-3321; fax: 613-951-4527;, Special Surveys Division.

For more information about the survey results, contact Philippe Laroche (613-946-4250), Health Canada, or visit the Tobacco Control Program website (