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Perspectives on Labour and Income

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The Daily

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

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Spring 2008

The Spring 2008 print edition of Perspectives on Labour and Income contains six articles, all of which have appeared previously in the online edition.

"Work stress and job performance" investigates levels, sources and effects of work stress for various socio-demographic and occupational groups.

"Returning to the job after childbirth" examines both the short- and the long-term effects of childbirth on the employment, job mobility and earnings of Canadian mothers over the past two decades.

"Immigrants in the hinterlands" finds better economic integration of immigrants outside the larger urban centres, even after taking into consideration differences in education, ability in an official language, admission class and country of origin.

"The dynamics of housing affordability" provides a first-ever longitudinal review of housing affordability. It examines the likelihood of spending 30% or more of household income on shelter, how often this occurs and whether it is occasional or persistent.

"RRSP investments" examines the characteristics of families with registered retirement savings plans (RRSPs) and the allocation of assets within their RRSPs according to the level of predictability of the return on investment.

"Earnings in the last decade" examines the evolution of earnings in Canada from 1997 to 2007.

The regular "What's New?" section highlights recent studies of interest from Statistics Canada and other organizations.

The Spring 2008 issue of Perspectives on Labour and Income, Vol. 20, no. 1 (75-001-XPE, $20/$63) is now available.

For more information, contact Henry Pold (613-951-4608;, Labour and Household Surveys Analysis Division.