Information identified as archived is provided for reference, research or recordkeeping purposes. It is not subject to the Government of Canada Web Standards and has not been altered or updated since it was archived. Please "contact us" to request a format other than those available.
(Release dates are subject to change.)
Release date | Title | Reference period |
10 | Canada's immigrant labour market | 2006 |
11 | Canadian international merchandise trade | July 2007 |
11 | Grain stocks | As of July 31, 2007 |
11 | New Housing Price Index | July 2007 |
12 | 2006 Census: Families, marital status, households and dwelling characteristics | |
13 | Industrial capacity utilization rates | Second quarter 2007 |
13 | Canada's international investment position | Second quarter 2007 |
14 | Monthly Survey of Manufacturing | July 2007 |
14 | Labour productivity, hourly compensation and unit labour cost | Second quarter 2007 |
See also the release dates for major economic indicators for the rest of the year.