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Aircraft movement statistics

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The Daily

Monday, June 25, 2007
May 2007 (preliminary)

Aircraft take-offs and landings at the 42 Canadian airports with NAV CANADA air traffic control towers were up 17.1% in May over May 2006. This marks the 12th consecutive increase in year-over-year monthly comparisons.

Take-offs and landings reached 468,802 movements in May compared with 400,425 movements in May 2006. The variations ranged from an increase of 161.9% for Windsor to an 8.0% decline for St. John's. Overall, 34 airports reported increases in aircraft movements.

Itinerant movements (flights from one airport to another) rose 10.9% (+30,785 movements) in May from May 2006. Local movements (flights that remain in the vicinity of the airport) increased by 31.7% (+68,377 movements) in May from May 2006.

Available on CANSIM: table 401-0005.

Definitions, data sources and methods: survey number 2715.

The May 2007 issue of Aircraft Movement Statistics, Vol. 6, no. 5 (51F0001PWE, free), is now available from the Publications module of our website.

For more information, or to enquire about the concepts, methods or data quality of this release, contact Kathie Davidson (613-951-0141; fax: 613-951-0010;, Transportation Division.