Statistics Canada
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Balance of payments
  Second quarter 2005 Third quarter 2005 Fourth quarter 2005 First quarter 2006 Second quarter 2006 2004 2005
  Not seasonally adjusted
  $ millions
Current account              
Goods and services 130,461 131,581 135,153 128,368 132,351 492,984 518,028
Goods 114,276 112,599 120,045 113,539 115,963 429,121 453,060
Services 16,185 18,982 15,108 14,829 16,388 63,863 64,968
Investment income 12,805 11,307 13,559 13,381 12,989 37,532 48,199
Direct investment 7,120 5,467 7,686 7,265 6,804 20,677 25,994
Portfolio investment 3,069 3,208 3,455 3,506 3,691 10,182 12,644
Other investment 2,616 2,631 2,418 2,610 2,494 6,673 9,561
Current transfers 1,830 1,816 2,128 3,011 2,103 7,427 8,066
Current account receipts 145,097 144,704 150,839 144,760 147,443 537,943 574,293
Goods and services 121,145 115,462 117,945 117,794 125,672 440,218 466,896
Goods 101,457 95,584 98,649 96,942 104,744 363,639 388,210
Services 19,688 19,878 19,296 20,852 20,928 76,580 78,686
Investment income 17,154 17,027 17,082 18,012 17,638 62,346 67,010
Direct investment 7,898 8,338 8,082 7,815 8,371 27,489 30,953
Portfolio investment 6,838 6,848 6,765 6,133 6,111 28,139 27,192
Other investment 2,418 1,842 2,234 4,063 3,156 6,717 8,865
Current transfers 1,651 1,817 1,985 3,512 1,687 7,746 8,585
Current account payments 139,950 134,306 137,011 139,318 144,997 510,310 542,491
Goods and services 9,316 16,119 17,208 10,573 6,678 52,765 51,132
Goods 12,819 17,015 21,396 16,597 11,219 65,482 64,850
Services -3,503 -896 -4,188 -6,024 -4,541 -12,717 -13,718
Investment income -4,349 -5,720 -3,523 -4,631 -4,649 -24,814 -18,811
Direct investment -778 -2,870 -397 -550 -1,567 -6,812 -4,960
Portfolio investment -3,769 -3,640 -3,310 -2,628 -2,420 -17,957 -14,548
Other investment 198 790 184 -1,454 -662 -44 696
Current transfers 180 -1 143 -501 417 -319 -519
Current account balance 5,147 10,398 13,828 5,442 2,446 27,633 31,802
Capital and financial account1, 2              
Capital account 1,712 1,769 979 1,016 1,003 4,449 5,932
Financial account -9,624 -7,236 -5,857 -10,842 2,787 -36,956 -35,109
Canadian assets, net flows              
Canadian direct investment abroad -8,180 -12,786 -11,105 -7,271 -10,990 -56,274 -41,300
Portfolio investment -11,991 -18,291 -12,297 -19,888 -18,833 -24,369 -51,652
Foreign bonds -5,601 -9,234 -6,496 -10,633 -12,339 -15,290 -27,615
Foreign stocks -5,263 -8,407 -5,187 -8,250 -7,623 -8,092 -21,947
Foreign money market -1,127 -651 -614 -1,005 1,129 -987 -2,089
Other investment -2,775 -13,277 9,238 -20,575 -18,047 -7,396 -22,164
Loans 3,886 -251 5,229 -1,936 -4,323 3,505 8,529
Deposits -4,448 -12,911 11,043 -11,990 -13,866 -10,666 -15,688
Official international reserves 585 1,092 108 -3,800 899 3,427 -1,653
Other assets -2,798 -1,207 -7,141 -2,849 -757 -3,662 -13,352
Total Canadian assets, net flows -22,946 -44,355 -14,164 -47,734 -47,869 -88,039 -115,116
Canadian liabilities, net flows              
Foreign direct investment in Canada 5,295 14,109 15,135 14,094 8,352 1,995 40,984
Portfolio investment -807 3,836 81 8,546 10,415 54,267 8,472
Canadian bonds 896 -1,934 -2,212 -1,514 -3,244 18,955 -1,183
Canadian stocks -2,679 7,389 -812 8,046 9,108 35,742 9,133
Canadian money market 976 -1,619 3,105 2,013 4,550 -429 522
Other investment 8,834 19,174 -6,910 14,252 31,889 -5,179 30,551
Loans 3,249 -5,423 -3,528 2,476 4,852 -2,345 2,007
Deposits 5,187 24,654 336 11,052 27,067 -531 28,942
Other liabilities 398 -58 -3,717 724 -30 -2,303 -398
Total Canadian liabilities, net flows 13,322 37,118 8,307 36,892 50,656 51,083 80,008
Total capital and financial account,              
net flows -7,912 -5,467 -4,878 -9,826 3,790 -32,507 -29,177
Statistical discrepancy 2,765 -4,931 -8,951 4,384 -6,235 4,874 -2,625
1.A minus sign denotes an outflow of capital resulting from an increase in claims on non-residents or from a decrease in liabilities to non-residents.
2.Transactions are recorded on a net basis.

Current account
  Second quarter 2005 Third quarter 2005 Fourth quarter 2005 First quarter 2006 Second quarter 2006 2004 2005
  Seasonally adjusted
  $ millions
Goods and services 126,139 131,319 136,386 130,613 128,861 492,984 518,028
Goods 109,942 115,095 120,060 114,528 112,506 429,121 453,060
Services 16,197 16,225 16,327 16,084 16,355 63,863 64,968
Travel 4,107 4,100 4,035 3,914 4,036 16,745 16,460
Transportation 2,842 2,919 2,989 3,019 2,990 11,024 11,632
Commercial services 8,808 8,742 8,865 8,714 8,918 34,511 35,115
Government services 441 463 438 438 410 1,582 1,761
Investment income 12,516 11,433 13,541 13,452 12,693 37,532 48,199
Direct investment 6,925 5,613 7,629 7,277 6,587 20,677 25,994
Interest 310 340 391 259 319 754 1,275
Profits 6,615 5,273 7,239 7,018 6,268 19,923 24,718
Portfolio investment 3,067 3,217 3,438 3,563 3,672 10,182 12,644
Interest 912 1,042 1,190 1,221 1,336 2,387 4,006
Dividends 2,155 2,175 2,248 2,342 2,335 7,795 8,638
Other investment 2,524 2,603 2,474 2,612 2,435 6,673 9,561
Current transfers 2,010 2,060 2,056 2,616 2,335 7,427 8,066
Private 623 661 614 714 693 2,785 2,587
Official 1,387 1,400 1,442 1,902 1,642 4,642 5,479
Total receipts 140,665 144,812 151,983 146,681 143,888 537,943 574,293
Goods and services 115,910 117,075 119,637 118,227 120,565 440,218 466,896
Goods 96,183 97,493 99,565 97,933 99,734 363,639 388,210
Services 19,727 19,582 20,072 20,294 20,831 76,580 78,686
Travel 5,526 5,520 5,717 5,790 5,869 20,747 22,260
Transportation 4,391 4,413 4,503 4,719 4,940 16,001 17,528
Commercial services 9,571 9,413 9,615 9,545 9,758 38,885 37,946
Government services 238 237 237 240 264 946 952
Investment income 16,855 17,604 17,177 17,424 17,079 62,346 67,010
Direct investment 7,429 8,726 8,134 7,709 7,555 27,489 30,953
Interest 582 579 574 578 579 2,280 2,313
Profits 6,847 8,147 7,559 7,130 6,977 25,209 28,640
Portfolio investment 6,839 6,823 6,758 6,180 6,133 28,139 27,192
Interest 5,937 5,799 5,649 5,404 5,394 24,137 23,239
Dividends 903 1,024 1,109 776 739 4,003 3,953
Other investment 2,587 2,056 2,286 3,535 3,391 6,717 8,865
Current transfers 2,012 2,037 2,143 2,853 2,050 7,746 8,585
Private 1,202 1,202 1,228 1,940 1,266 4,657 4,812
Official 810 835 915 913 783 3,089 3,773
Total payments 134,777 136,717 138,957 138,503 139,694 510,310 542,491
Goods and services 10,229 14,244 16,749 12,386 8,295 52,765 51,132
Goods 13,759 17,602 20,494 16,595 12,772 65,482 64,850
Services -3,530 -3,358 -3,745 -4,209 -4,476 -12,717 -13,718
Travel -1,420 -1,419 -1,682 -1,876 -1,833 -4,002 -5,800
Transportation -1,550 -1,494 -1,515 -1,701 -1,950 -4,977 -5,897
Commercial services -763 -671 -750 -831 -840 -4,374 -2,831
Government services 203 226 201 199 146 636 810
Investment income -4,339 -6,172 -3,636 -3,972 -4,386 -24,814 -18,811
Direct investment -504 -3,113 -505 -432 -969 -6,812 -4,960
Interest -272 -239 -184 -320 -260 -1,527 -1,038
Profits -232 -2,874 -321 -112 -709 -5,286 -3,922
Portfolio investment -3,772 -3,606 -3,320 -2,618 -2,461 -17,957 -14,548
Interest -5,024 -4,757 -4,459 -4,183 -4,057 -21,750 -19,234
Dividends 1,253 1,151 1,139 1,566 1,596 3,793 4,686
Other investment -64 547 188 -923 -956 -44 696
Current transfers -2 23 -87 -236 285 -319 -519
Private -579 -542 -614 -1,225 -574 -1,872 -2,225
Official 577 564 528 989 859 1,554 1,706
Current account 5,888 8,095 13,026 8,178 4,194 27,633 31,802