Victimization of First Nations people, Métis and Inuit in Canada

Articles and reports: 85-002-X202200100012


First Nations, Métis and Inuit people are overrepresented among victims of violence; a violence that may be rooted in the traumatic history of colonialization. In efforts to better understand the causes, consequences, nature and extent of violent victimization of Indigenous people in Canada, this Juristat article presents data from multiple sources, including the 2019 General Social Survey on Canadian’s Safety (victimization), the 2018 Survey of Safety in Public and Private Spaces and the Homicide Survey. More specifically, the analysis will focus on lifetime and recent experiences (past 12 months) of violent victimization, trends in spousal violence and homicide, history of childhood abuse or neglect, perceptions of safety from crime, perceptions of the police and experiences of discrimination. Sociodemographic, economic and community-level characteristics statistically associated with these issues will be explored. Whenever possible, data will be disaggregated by Indigenous groups.

Issue Number: 2022001
Author(s): Perreault, Samuel

Main Product: Juristat

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HTMLJuly 19, 2022
PDFJuly 19, 2022