Provisional weekly estimates of the number of deaths, expected number of deaths and excess mortality: Interactive Tool, inactive - ARCHIVED

Data Visualization: 71-607-X2020023


The dashboard presents data that are relevant for monitoring the impacts of COVID-19 on mortality in Canada. It includes updated adjusted and expected weekly death counts produced for the 2020 reference year, from the Canadian Vital Statistics: Death database (CVS:D). The CVS:D is an administrative survey that collects demographic and medical (cause of death) information from all provincial and territorial vital statistics registries on all deaths in Canada. With this tool, data users can explore trends in excess mortality for each province and territory. Prediction intervals are also presented in the interactive charts. The interactive tool allows users to examine excess deaths by comparing the adjusted number of weekly deaths to the expected number of weekly deaths.

Issue Number: 2020023
FormatRelease dateMore information
HTMLOctober 14, 2021