Monthly Business Openings and Closures: Experimental Series for Canada, the Provinces and Territories, and Census Metropolitan Areas

Articles and reports: 11-626-X2020014


This article in the Economic Insights series presents monthly estimates of the number of business openings and closings, continuing businesses, and active businesses from January 2015 to April 2020. The estimates for businesses with employees are available for Canada, the provinces and territories, and census metropolitan areas. Where possible, industry information based on two-digit North American Industry Classification Systems codes are also presented. A business closing is defined as a firm that had employment in the previous month, but no employment in the current month.

Issue Number: 2020014
Author(s): Lafrance-Cooke, Amélie; Macdonald, Ryan; Willox, Michael

Main Product: Economic Insights

FormatRelease dateMore information
HTMLAugust 5, 2020
  • Correction: August 17, 2020

    The column labelled April 2019 in Table 2 for active businesses and opening businesses were the March 2019 numbers. This also affects the first row of Table 3, same groups, for Canada only. The tables have been updated using the April 2019 numbers.

PDFAugust 5, 2020
  • Correction: August 17, 2020

    The column labelled April 2019 in Table 2 for active businesses and opening businesses were the March 2019 numbers. This also affects the first row of Table 3, same groups, for Canada only. The tables have been updated using the April 2019 numbers.