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Friday, July 29, 2011

Released at 8:30 a.m. Eastern time

Gross domestic product by industry, May 2011

Real gross domestic product decreased 0.3% in May, after no change in April and a 0.3% increase in March. The mining, oil and gas extraction sector was the main source of the decline in May.

Industrial product and raw materials price indexes, June 2011

The Industrial Product Price Index decreased 0.3% in June compared with May, led by lower prices for petroleum and coal products. The Raw Materials Price Index fell 2.2% as a result of lower prices for mineral fuels.

Food services and drinking places, May 2011 

Commercial Software Price Index, June 2011 

Computer and peripherals price indexes, June 2011 

Pipeline transportation of crude oil and refined petroleum products, February 2011

Traveller accommodation services price indexes, second quarter 2011

New products and studies

Upcoming releases: August 2011