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Perspectives on Labour and Income

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Autumn 2010

The Autumn 2010 print edition of Perspectives on Labour and Income, released today, includes four articles previously released in the online edition.

"Health factors and early retirement among older workers" examines associations between health factors and early exits from the labour market.

"Labour market activity among seniors" uses census data to study labour market activity among senior men and women.

"Income in manufacturing regions" covers income, low-income incidence and Employment Insurance use in regions with varying concentrations of manufacturing employment. The article focuses on the period from 2000, the most recent peak in manufacturing employment, to 2007, the last full year of economic growth.

"Income replacement during the retirement years" examines the extent to which the family income of individuals in their mid-fifties is "replaced" by other sources of income during the retirement years.

This edition also features a yearly update on gambling as well as the "What's new?" section, which highlights recent studies of interest from Statistics Canada and other organizations.

The Autumn 2010 print edition of Perspectives on Labour and Income, Vol. 22, no. 3 (75-001-X, $20/$63), is now available. See How to order products.

For more information, contact Ted Wannell (613-951-3546;, Labour Statistics Division.