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Travel between Canada and other countries

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February 2010 (Previous release)

Driven by increases in travellers entering British Columbia, travel from the United States and overseas countries to Canada rose 5.2% in February from the previous month.

The 21st Winter Olympics were hosted by Vancouver in February, and 24.0% more non-residents entered Canada via British Columbia during the month. There were 10.9% more overseas residents and 29.1% more United States residents who entered British Columbia for overnight trips in February compared with January. There was also a 40.8% gain in same-day car trips by US residents during the month.

At the national level, United States residents took 1.7 million trips to Canada, a 5.7% increase. Overnight travel from the United States posted increases in all travel modes.

The number of same-day car trips to Canada from the United States rose 7.3% to 654,000 trips.

Residents of overseas countries took 370,000 trips to Canada in February, a 2.6% increase from January. The largest increase was in the number of trips by residents of the Netherlands (+61.8%), while the number of trips by residents of India decreased 21.8% compared with January.

Canadian residents took just under 4.2 million trips outside of the country in February, a 0.7% decline from January.

The number of same-day car trips to the United States decreased 2.0% in February compared with January. The overall number of overnight trips by Canadian residents to the United States increased 0.2%.

Canadian residents took 677,000 trips to overseas destinations in February, up slightly from January (+0.1%).

Note: Monthly data are seasonally adjusted.

Available on CANSIM: tables 427-0001 to 427-0006.

Definitions, data sources and methods: survey number 5005.

The February 2010 issue of International Travel, Advance Information, Vol. 26, no. 2 (66-001-P, free), is now available from the Key resource module of our website under Publications.

For general information, contact Client Services (toll-free 1-800-307-3382; 613-951-9169; fax: 613-951-2909; To enquire about the concepts, methods or data quality of this release, contact Frances Kremarik (613-951-4240;, Tourism and Centre for Education Statistics Division.

Table 1

Travel between Canada and other countries
  February 2009r January 2010r February 2010p January to February 2010
  Seasonally adjusted
  thousands % change1
Canadian trips abroad2 3,987 4,181 4,151 -0.7
To the United States 3,283 3,505 3,474 -0.9
To other countries 703 676 677 0.1
Same-day car trips to the United States 1,771 1,879 1,841 -2.0
Total trips, one or more nights 2,175 2,268 2,272 0.2
United States3 1,472 1,592 1,595 0.2
Car 886 932 950 1.9
Plane 493 541 536 -0.9
Other modes of transportation 93 118 109 -8.2
Other countries4 703 676 677 0.1
Travel to Canada2 2,205 1,991 2,094 5.2
From the United States 1,845 1,631 1,724 5.7
From other countries 360 361 370 2.6
Same-day car trips from the United States 733 609 654 7.3
Total trips, one or more nights 1,376 1,284 1,352 5.3
United States3 1,024 932 990 6.2
Car 627 546 550 0.8
Plane 280 273 283 3.7
Other modes of transportation 117 114 157 38.0
Other countries4 352 352 362 3.0
Travel to Canada: Top overseas markets, by country of origin5        
United Kingdom 64 64 61 -5.5
France 33 36 35 -1.7
Germany 25 27 27 0.7
Japan 19 20 19 -2.6
Australia 18 17 17 1.3
China 14 15 15 2.0
Netherlands 9 9 14 61.8
South Korea 12 13 12 -4.7
Switzerland 8 9 10 18.6
Italy 8 8 10 19.7
Mexico 20 10 9 -7.2
India 10 12 9 -21.8
Percentage change is based on unrounded data.
Totals exceed the sum of "same-day car trips" and "total trips, one or more nights" because they include all of the same-day trips.
Estimates for the United States include counts of cars and buses, and estimated numbers for planes, trains, boats and other methods.
Figures for other countries exclude same-day entries by land only, via the United States.
Includes same-day and overnight trips.