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Perspectives on Labour and Income

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Autumn 2009 print edition

The Autumn 2009 print edition of Perspectives on Labour and Income, published today, contains five articles, all of which have appeared previously in the online edition.

"International differences in low-paid work" looks at Canada's higher proportion of workers with low pay in comparison with most other Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development countries.

"GIS update" tracks a reduction in the number of seniors who are missing out on the Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS).

"Pathways into the GIS" investigates the probability of receiving GIS benefits in relation to characteristics at younger ages such as income, receipt of Employment Insurance benefits or disability claims, and the presence of an employer pension plan or registered retirement savings plans.

"Family work patterns" looks at the work patterns of families over a five-year period, and documents differences in these patterns between families with and without children.

"Barriers to training access" explores the receipt of employer-supported training among workers at the low end of the earnings scale, workers with less education, non-unionized workers and women.

This edition also features updates on gambling and unionization, as well as the regular "What's new?" section, which highlights recent studies and reports from Statistics Canada and other organizations.

The Autumn 2009 print edition of Perspectives on Labour and Income, Vol. 21, no. 3 (75-001-X, $20/$63), is now available. See How to order products.

For more information, contact Ted Wannell (613-951-3546;, Labour and Household Surveys Analysis Division.