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Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Released at 8:30 a.m. Eastern time

Canada's international investment position, third quarter 2008
Canada's net international indebtedness fell to $58.4 billion at the end of the third quarter, as the value of Canada's foreign assets increased more than its liabilities. This result was largely attributable to higher Canadian direct investment abroad.

Labour productivity, hourly compensation and unit labour cost, third quarter 2008 
After declining for four consecutive quarters, labour productivity in the business sector remained unchanged in the third quarter of 2008. Meanwhile, unit labour costs, a barometer of long-term inflationary pressure, slowed substantially as growth in hourly wages decelerated.

Spending on research and development, 2008 intentions

Scheduled air passenger origin and destination: Canada-United States, 2007

Salary and salary scales of full-time teaching staff at Canadian universities, 2007/2008 

Postal code conversion file plus, March 2008

New products