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The Daily

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Released at 8:30 a.m. Eastern time

Business Conditions Survey: Manufacturing industries, January 2008
Apprehension best describes the mood of manufacturers as they looked ahead to the first quarter of 2008. Manufacturers are expecting tougher times as the rapid run-up in the value of the Canadian dollar and record crude oil prices may be taking a toll on the sector.

Rail transportation, 2006 
The Canadian railway industry continued its strong performance in 2006, with operating revenues increasing for the eighth consecutive year. For the year, operating revenues rose 5.9% from 2005 to $10.4 billion.

Railway carloadings, November 2007

Aircraft movement statistics: Major airports, December 2007

Natural gas liquids and liquefied petroleum gases, May to September 2007 

Financial statistics of community colleges and vocational schools, 2005/2006

Asphalt roofing, December 2007

New products