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The Daily

Friday, October 26, 2007

Released at 8:30 a.m. Eastern time

Business Conditions Survey: Manufacturing industries, October 2007
Manufacturers' optimism in the last two quarters waned as they looked ahead to the final three months of 2007. According to the October Business Conditions Survey, manufacturers indicated heightened dissatisfaction with the level of orders received, while production prospects weakened.

Study: The soybean, a Canadian agricultural success story
Since successful breeding efforts in the 1970s made it possible to grow soybeans beyond southern Ontario, soybean area has increased eightfold, and this crop has become an economic success for farmers. Today's inaugural release from the 2006 edition of Canadian Agriculture at a Glance reviews the progress of this crop.

Payroll employment, earnings and hours, August 2007 

Production and disposition of tobacco products, September 2007

Sawmills, August 2007 

Placement of hatchery chicks and turkey poults, September 2007 

Supply and disposition of refined petroleum products, May 2007

New products

Upcoming releases: October 29 to November 2, 2007