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2006 Census standard data products: Content preview

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The Daily

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Featured product

At noon, today, users will be able to preview the content structure for some of the 2006 Census standard products before the actual data are released.

From the Census web page, in the Data products module, users will find newly activated links to Topic-based tabulations and Cumulative profile and release components pages. Through any of these links, users will now have the ability to choose topics and/or profiles and to further preview the proposed product content structures.

While the products displayed do not contain data and are not yet released, users can click on the catalogue numbers and obtain a wealth of product-related information, such as the title, census year, census topic, summary description of the topic, specific release date and variable definitions and breakdown.

For more information, contact Statistics Canada's National Contact Centre (toll-free 1-800-263-1136).