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The Daily

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Released at 8:30 a.m. Eastern time

Consumer Price Index, November 2006 
Canadians paid 1.4% more for the goods and services in the Consumer Price Index basket in November than they did a year earlier. Despite this increase, the growth rate of the all-items index remains well below the 2.3% average for the last five years.

Study: Literacy and the official language minorities, 2003
The literacy situation of Canada's francophones has improved since the mid-1990s. However, individuals with English as their mother tongue still did much better than their francophone counterparts in literacy tests in 2003, according to a new study of literacy among the nation's official language minorities.

Employment Insurance, October 2006 

Deliveries of major grains, November 2006

Crushing statistics, November 2006

Cereals and oilseeds review, October 2006

Construction Union Wage Rate Index, November 2006

Energy consumption by manufacturers, 2005 

New products