Incomes from Owner-occupied Housing for Working-age and Retirement-age Canadians, 1969 to 2006 - ARCHIVED

Articles and reports: 11F0027M2010066


Using data from the Survey of Household Spending and from its predecessor, the Survey of Family Expenditures, this paper investigates the relative incomes of retirement-age and working-age Canadians from 1969 to 2006, taking into account both explicit household income and the implicit income generated by owner-occupied housing. Over this 37-year period, the explicit incomes of retirement-age households increased at a more rapid pace than those of working-age households. Implicit income from owner-occupied housing also increased rapidly during this time, matching the rate at which the explicit income of retirement-age households increased. On average, this implicit source of earnings raised the incomes of retirement-age households (aged 70 and over) by 16%. Taking both forms of income into account, the incomes of retirement-age households (aged 70 and over), relative to the incomes of working-age households (aged 40 to 49), increased from 45% in 1969 to 59% in 2006. During this period, Canadians invested in housing assets that provided additional income upon retirement.

Issue Number: 2010066
Author(s): Brown, W. Mark; Lafrance-Cooke, Amélie
FormatRelease dateMore information
HTMLDecember 9, 2010
PDFDecember 9, 2010