Disease assimilation: The mortality impacts of fine particulate matter on immigrants to Canada

Articles and reports: 82-003-X202000300002

Description: The purpose of this study was to assess the risk of non accidental and cause specific mortality associated with long term exposure to PM2.5 among immigrants after they arrived in Canada, and to assess how this risk compares with that of the non immigrant population. Using the Canadian Census Health and Environment Cohort, this study also sought to determine the influence of several immigrant specific variables on the PM2.5 -mortality association, including duration in Canada, country of birth, age at immigration and neighbourhood ethnic concentration.
Issue Number: 2020003
Author(s): Christidis, Tanya; Pappin, Amanda; Pinault, Lauren; Tjepkema, Michael; Crouse, Daniel; Martin, Randall V.; Brauer, Michael; Erickson, Anders C.; Brook, Jeffrey R.; Hystad, Perry; Li, Chi; Meng, Jun; van Donkelaar, Aaron; Weichenthal, Scott; Burnett, Richard T.

Main Product: Health Reports

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HTMLJune 17, 2020
PDFJune 17, 2020