Table D.2.3
Number of degrees, diplomas and certificates granted by universities, by program type, Canada, 2000 to 20081

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  Undergraduate Graduate College Trade/ Vocational Total
Bachelor's and other undergraduate degree2 Other undergraduate3 Master's Earned doctorate Other graduate4  College certificate or diploma and other college level5 Trade/ vocational and preparatory training certificate or diploma All programs
2000 128,568 16,779 24,228 3,861 2,655 468 .. 176,556
2001 129,240 17,193 24,906 3,708 2,433 585 36 178,098
2002 134,019 18,282 26,307 3,729 3,069 1,026 24 186,462
2003 140,898 20,589 28,995 3,864 3,831 918 42 199,137
2004 148,857r 21,177 32,751r 4,251r 3,969 831 66 211,902r
2005 152,028r 21,516 33,012r 4,191r 4,239 999 258 216,240r
2006 161,766r 20,715 34,152r 4,446r 4,179 1,377 450 227,085r
2007 176,025r 20,100 34,971 5,010r 4,842 1,347 495 242,787r
2008 171,882 19,455 36,423 5,421 4,950 4,470 1,773 244,380
.. not available for a specific reference period
r revised
1. Due to the revision of the institutions included in the PSIS survey, the following were not included in the 2008 data for Canada: in Ontario, Institut de pastorale des Dominicains, Tyndale University College and Seminary, Redeemer University College, Royal Military College of Canada; in Alberta, Newman Theological College; in British Columbia, Vancouver School of Theology, Trinity Western University, and Seminary of Christ the King.
The following institutions, previously colleges, now have the status of universities and are included in the 2008 completion counts for British Columbia: Capilano University, Vancouver Island University, Emily Carr University of Art and Design, Kwantlen Polytechnic University and University of the Fraser Valley. The increase in credentials awarded by universities in Canada in 2008, the majority of which were certificates and diplomas granted at the college and trade/vocational level, was entirely due to the attribution of university status to these five colleges.
2. "Bachelor's and other undergraduate degree" includes bachelor degrees, first professional degrees and applied degrees.
3. "Other undergraduate" includes university preliminary year or pre-bachelor, undergraduate certificate or diploma, license undergraduate and licentiate or testamur.
4. "Other graduate" includes master's qualifying year, university graduate certificate or diploma, PhD qualifying year or probationary, internship (postgraduate medical education known as post-MD) and residency (medical, dental, veterinary).
5. "Other college level" includes the college post-diploma programs and the collaborative degree programs.
Notes: To ensure the confidentiality of responses, all counts are randomly rounded to a multiple of 3. Since the total and subtotals are independently rounded, the total values may not match the sum of the individual values.
All counts reflect the number of graduates in the calendar year.
Qualifications awarded since 2005 are not available for the University of Regina. For Quebec institutions, qualifications awarded do not include micro programs and attestations.
These figures reflect trade/vocational and college level diplomas and certificates granted by universities, not colleges. Please see Table D.2.5 for the number of diplomas and degrees granted by colleges.
All PSIS data are subject to revision.
For a brief description of this indicator, including the methodology, please see the Handbook for the Pan-Canadian Education Indicators Program.
Source: Statistics Canada, Postsecondary Student Information System, CANSIM Table 477-0014, published July 14, 2010.
Updated December 13, 2010.