Statistics Canada
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Table D.2.2
Number of registered apprenticeship completions, by sex and major trade group, Canada, 1995, 2000, and 2003 to 2007

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  Building construction Electrical, electronics and related Food and service Industrial and related mechanical Metal fabricating Motor vehicle and heavy equipment Other1 Total, major trade groups
Both sexes 2,505 3,050 2,395r 1,630 3,480r 3,755 260 17,075
Male 2,475 3,005 770r 1,595 3,450r 3,725 215 15,235
Female 30 45 1,625 35 30 30 45 1,840
Percentage female 1 1r 68r 2r 1r 1r 17r 11
Both sexes 2,025r 2,700r 2,575r 1,670r 4,240r 4,870r 320r 18,395r
Male 1,995r 2,640r 720r 1,660r 4,205r 4,805r 215r 16,240r
Female 25r 55r 1,855r 15r 35r 65r 105r 2,155r
Percentage female 1 2 72 1 1 1 33r 12
Both sexes 2,550r 2,835r 2,110r 1,930r 4,465r 4,275r 360r 18,520r
Male 2,500r 2,790r 525r 1,910r 4,415r 4,210r 150r 16,500r
Female 50r 45r 1,585r 20r 45r 70r 210r 2,020r
Percentage female 2 2 75 1 1 2 58 11
Both sexes 2,590 3,520 2,230r 2,055 4,820r 4,130 360r 19,705
Male 2,540 3,445 515r 2,035 4,745r 4,070 165 17,520
Female 50 75 1,715 20 75 60 190 2,185
Percentage female 2 2 77r 1 2 1 53r 11
Both sexes 2,965 3,755 2,285r 1,955r 4,765r 4,470r 365 20,555
Male 2,920 3,695 550r 1,930 4,685r 4,395 160 18,330
Female 45 60 1,735 30 80 70 205 2,225
Percentage female 2 2r 76r 2r 2r 2r 56r 11
Both sexes 3,190 4,110 2,100 1,985 4,605 4,425 445 20,855
Male 3,135 4,020 450 1,965 4,515 4,355 180 18,620
Female 55 85 1,645 20 90 70 265 2,235
Percentage female 2 2 78 1 2 2 60 11
Both sexes 3,915 4,580 2,705 2,125 5,355 5,340 475 24,495
Male 3,845 4,510 565 2,105 5,275 5,245 180 21,720
Female 70 70 2,140 20 85 95 295 2,780
Percentage female 2 2 79 1 2 2 62 11
1. Consists of miscellaneous trades and occupations not classified elsewhere. Many of the new apprenticeship trades and occupations that have been introduced since the 1990s have been added to this group.
Note: To ensure the confidentiality of responses, a random rounding process is applied to the data. Since the total and subtotals are independently rounded, the total value may not match the sum of the individual values. Similarly, percentage distributions, which are calculated on rounded data, may not necessarily add up to 100%.
Sources: Statistics Canada, CANSIM Table 477-0052 and Registered Apprenticeship Information System. Last updated June 25, 2009.