Statistics Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Appendix A
Characteristics associated with finding most days “quite a bit” or “extremely” stressful

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Respondent characteristic Adjusted odds ratios
Age 15 to 24 1.00
Age 25 to 34 1.63**
Age 35 to 44 1.95**
Age 45 to 54 1.84**
Age 55 to 64 1.43**
Age 65 or older 0.86
Male 1.00
Female 1.38**
High school graduate 1.00
Some high school (or less) 1.20
Some post-secondary 1.45**
Post-secondary degree, diploma or certificate 1.35**
Labour force status
Working 1.00
Work seeker 0.57**
Student 0.98
Household worker 0.42**
Retired 0.26**
Other 0.89
Household income
Less than $30,000 1.00
$30,000 to less than $60,000 0.68**
$60,000 to less than $100,000 0.62**
$100,000 or higher 0.87
Marital status
Married or living common-law 1.00
Not married or living common-law 1.01
Presence of children
No children aged 14 and under living in household 1.00
Children aged 14 and under living in household 1.27**
Internet use
Internet non-user 1.00
Moderate Internet user 0.84*
Heavy Internet user 0.88
** Difference from reference group is statistically significant at the 99% confidence level (p < .01).
* Difference from reference group is statistically significant at the 95% confidence level (p < .05).
Notes: Reference groups are in italics. Odds ratios greater than 1.0 represent increased chances of finding most days stressful relative to the reference group; Odds ratios less than 1.0 represent reduced chances relative to the reference group.
Source: Statistics Canada, General Social Survey, Cycle 19: Time Use, 2005.